A lot of different types of electronics use semiconductor devices, such as those that change power, communicate and process signals. Because stress (such as heat, high voltage, high current or change frequency) can hurt a device’s performance, dependability and efficiency, it is best to make semiconductor gadgets that are stress-resistant.
The THCV213 and THCV214 are designed to support the transfer of pixel data between the host and the display. The chipset is only capable of transmitting 18 bits of data and 4 bits of control data via a differential cable, with a pixel clock frequency from 5MHz to 40MHz. THCV213 can transmit synchronous mode to speed up the establishment of links. The THCV214 has a PLL status indicator.
CML Microcircuits' CMX7158 is a low-power, full-duplex, inverter voice scrambler chip. This type of encryption is suitable for many personal, enterprise, and commercial applications to block eavesdropping from fellow users or RF scanners.