Magnachip Semiconductor has introduced its third-generation 200V MV mosfet for light-duty electric vehicle (LEV) motor controllers and industrial power supplies. Its new MOSFETs include third-generation trench MOSFET technology to maximize the energy efficiency of power devices. Capacitance has been reduced by 50% compared to previous generation 100V MV MOSFETs. Enhanced core cell and terminal designs help reduce RDS(on) and total gate charge for high FOM.
"The development of advanced applications in the automotive and industrial sectors is driving the demand for high-performance medium-voltage MOSFETs," said YJ Kim, CEO of Magnachip. "Magnachip will continue to upgrade its MV MOSFET product line, ranging from 40V to 200V, which will allow us to customers to enhance the competitiveness of their products.”
These third-generation mosfets feature through-hole surface mount devices TOLL, M2PAK, and to-220, respectively, to reduce product size and improve heat dissipation. Furthermore, the energy efficiency of these MOSFETs is largely due to fast switching and high power density. With guaranteed operating junction temperatures from -55C to 175C and high levels of avalanche ruggedness, they are ideal for LEV motor controllers and industrial power supplies that require high efficiency and stable power supplies.