A New Way to Request for Quotation, Another Kind of Experience - Blog | Heisener Electronics
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A New Way to Request for Quotation, Another Kind of Experience

Publicar en marzo 3, 2015

Quoation Cart is Upgraded.

Heisener.com have upgraded the Quotation Cart to more easier to be used. We always try to give the best experience to our customers. Please enjoy the new user interface, thank you.


Heisener.com 购物车华丽蜕变,拒绝繁琐!新功能重磅上线,带您拥抱更加畅快的在线采购体验!一大波便利功能来袭,你准备好了吗? Heisener.com 一直在努力,每天进步一点点。希望我们的改变能让您的在线提交询价更加方便!

Etiquetas: System Upgrade (3)