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2024-04-22, The role of AI in the factory of the future

Manufacturing stands at a crossroads. On one path lies a widening skills crisis fueled by an aging workforce, lack of vocational programs, false job perceptions and changing skillsets. This road ends in constrained output, delayed digitization and loss of competitive edge. The other path embraces new paradigms for training powered by artificial intelligence.

Technology Cover

2024-04-19, Thermal batteries may help solve the energy storage problem

Along with generation and transmission, the storage of captured energy from intermittent sources such as solar and wind, is one of the three pieces of the renewable-energy puzzle. Among the approaches used for storage are the use of potential energy based on gravity (lakes and dams, lifted weights); kinetic energy using flywheels; thermal-chemical systems with phase-change materials including molten salts; electrolysis to provide hydrogen; pressure via compressed air; and, of course, electrochemical storage via batteries.

Technology Cover

2024-04-18, A position sensing system with AMR Angle sensor is designed

As governments around the world push to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles, original equipment manufacturers (Oems) are redesigning mechanical systems to be electronically controlled.

Technology Cover

2024-04-16, Electric vehicle battery management system innovation

BMS improvements and parallel developments in the power conversion and battery modules will enable EVs to drive further on a single charge.

Technology Cover

2024-04-15, Advanced materials improve efficiency and protect power converter solutions

Innovative materials can enhance the performance, durability and cost-effectiveness of high-power–density alternative energy solutions.

Technology Cover

2024-04-11, Industry studies nuclear power to power data centers and artificial intelligence workloads

The data center industry faces a significant challenge: meeting the growing energy demands of artificial intelligence (AI) workloads. As AI technology advances, the need for computational power also increases, resulting in a significant surge in energy consumption. Research by Schneider Electric highlights that data centers need to consider power requirements and cooling solutions to achieve peak performance. In search of answers, the data center sector examines different energy sources, and nuclear power is emerging as a possible solution.

Technology Cover

2024-04-09, AI: What is it Good For?

Over the last 18 months, since the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022, AI has become a topic of conversation not only from Main Street to Wall Street, but from Capitol Hill to the ski slopes of Davos at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting. Even with the disparate natures of these conversations and the different levels of expertise of those discussing AI, they all have one thing in common—they are all trying to understand AI, its impact and its implications.

Technology Cover

2024-04-08, Smart power modules make heat pumps smarter

As companies move towards a low-carbon future, the market is increasingly demanding more efficient power semiconductors. The key goal of developing power semiconductor solutions is to minimize the total cost and size of the system while increasing efficiency.

Technology Cover

2024-04-07, NXP addresses the complexity of automotive sdv integration

NXP Semiconductors has launched a new platform and first processor, the S32 CoreRide, to address the challenge of integration and scalability of complex automotive systems and software-defined vehicles (SDVs).

Technology Cover

2024-04-03, Optimizing energy storage: The importance of battery management systems

Today, modern batteries are much more powerful and allow long autonomy and rapid charging in total safety for cars, trains, and even airplanes. A dedicated circuit, known as battery management system (BMS), allows the batteries to last longer, and increases their safety in terms of use and charging.

Technology Cover

2024-04-02, Central, centralized processing of autonomous vehicle data

Technological advances are driving product innovation, creating unprecedented challenges for designers in all industries, and this is particularly evident in the automotive industry. Automakers are working to upgrade the ADAS-enabled L2 autonomous driving technology to L3 and L4, and eventually to develop AI-based systems to SAE Level 6 in the field of autonomous driving. Level 3 passenger cars are already on the road in several parts of the world, and Level 4 autonomous taxis are currently in extensive trials on city streets such as San Francisco

Technology Cover

2024-04-01, Improved power efficiency and AI reasoning in autonomous systems

As the working population decreases due to falling birthrates and a growing proportion of the population being elderly, advanced artificial intelligence (AI) processing, such as recognition of the surrounding environment, decision of actions, and motion control, will be required in various aspects of society, including factories, logistics, medical care, service robots operating in the city, and security cameras.

Technology Cover

2024-03-29, How to properly charge a Li-ion/Li-polymer battery

Nowadays,Lithium-ion/Lithium-polymer are used extensively in portable electronic devices that are frequently charged. An efficient charging method increases the battery’s lifetime and enhances its performance. Therefore, electronic designers must be aware of the ideal charging procedure, in designing battery-powered devices that are required to pass industrial requirements.

Technology Cover

2024-03-27, Wireless charging: paving the way for seamless integration of electric vehicles

Wireless charging for EVs (Electric Vehicles) is an emerging technology, but one that has always been dreamed of by mankind, which allows us to completely change the way electric vehicles are charged. With it, it is possible to fully recharge your car automatically and without the need for any connection of electrical cables or sockets.

Technology Cover

2024-03-25, Towards a greener future: the role of hydrogen technology in sustainable transport

The vehicles of the future will be more ecological and efficient - a perfect combination of hydrogen technology and artificial intelligence. The goal of a future based on safety, freedom and equality is the cornerstone of Hyundai Motor. The goal of low environmental impact means abandoning coal technology in favor of renewable energy.

Technology Cover

2024-03-22, High-performance MEMS microphone for conversational AI

Conversational AI is a rapidly growing field of machine learning that aims to make human-computer interaction more natural and intuitive. It uses advanced algorithms and techniques to understand natural language input and enable machines to respond like humans.

Technology Cover

2024-03-21, GaN improves the performance of liDAR and motor control

Gallium nitride semiconductor technology is transforming many industrial fields due to its ability to work better and more efficiently than standard silicon-based parts. GaN has many benefits, such as a wide bandgap, high electron mobility and strong chemical bonds. These properties have led to widespread use in many applications requiring small size, high power density and heat resistance.

Technology Cover

2024-03-19, SiC-Based Traction Inverters: Revolutionizing Electric Mobility

In the current age of electric mobility, there is a crucial need for power electronics that are both efficient and high-performing. Traction inverters are crucial components in electric vehicles (EVs) as they are responsible for transforming DC power from the battery into AC power to operate the electric motor.